
Part 3: Your Client Reactivation Scripts

The responses from my “surprise” mini master class for creating a Client Reactivation Campaign have been great so far! Congrats to everyone who has already taken action… and we haven’t even really gotten to the best stuff yet! Here’s an email I got just from someone earlier this week… This is the third part in … Read more

Your May Business Building Checklist

I have a thing for checking stuff off my list… how about you? I don’t know why, but it’s one of my favorite things to do. It’s the small things in life, ya know! If you love it as much as I do, I’ve got something special for you today to help you satisfy that … Read more

How To Create Your ULTIMATE Dream Team…

Imagine being able to put together your business dream team. You’d fill it with experts to handle all the time-consuming things you don’t love, so you can focus on the things you LOVE about your business…. and have more time with your family and friends. How amazing would THAT be!? You’d hire a great accountant, … Read more