
If You Only Learn ONE Thing About Marketing, Let It Be This…

You know how sometimes when you go to write your emails, landing pages, or social media content, your brain turns into one of those cymbal-banging monkey toys?

It’s the worst to be sitting down at your computer — especially when you’re short on time — and then end up staring at the screen without getting anything done.

What I’m about to show you can help you put an end to that for GOOD.

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about how to get inside your audience’s head through surveys, content analysis, and conversations.

And now?

It’s time to put all those juicy insights to use.

If you remember, in my last post, I mentioned that some of the best places to use your insights were in high-impact marketing spots like:

  • Website headlines
  • Sales page headlines
  • Email subject lines
  • The first sentence in your ad copy
  • Video hooks
  • And social posts

Since these are where your prospects’ eyes go first, you have about half a second to show them you understand them and make them believe you have a solution specifically for them.

This is where we use your audience insights.

In fact, keep them nearby whenever you write ANY copy or content.

Now, when you look at your insights, ask yourself:

👉 What is your audience telling you they’re struggling with (either directly or by what content they’re interacting with)?

👉 What details from their survey responses are repeated over and over again that make you go, “Wow, I had no idea they thought that / wanted that / tried that / believed that!”?

👉 What words or phrases do they repeatedly use in their responses, comments, DMs, or conversations?

Once you gather your answers, use them to assemble (not create!) your copy.

For example, say you run an online coaching business for perimenopausal and menopausal women.

You’ve noticed from survey answers and the content people interact with that many of the women in your audience are looking to ease their transition into menopause with food instead of hormone replacement (this is a key detail!).

Using this info, you could craft a headline for your sales page that speaks directly to their specific pain points and interests like this:

“Not Ready to Resort to Hormone Replacement? Start Feeling Like YOU Again With a Hormone-Balancing Nutrition Plan Designed Just For Peri-Menopausal Women”…

Or an email subject line that reads, “Skip the injections, heal with food.”

Or even a video hook that says, “5 perimenopause food hacks to try BEFORE hormone replacement.”

You might even create a whole email series about how to combat symptoms with food, test the angle in your ads, or create a video series on reels or YouTube.

By paying attention to what your audience is saying in your surveys and what content they’re interacting with, you’ll start finding details to level up your content so it “speaks to them” in a way that generic, one-size-fits-all messaging never could.

So when in doubt? Tell your audience what they’re telling you.

You never have to guess.

Make it an amazing day,


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