
Delegation Tips & Tricks That Will Change Your Life….

“Delegation requires the willingness to pay for short term failures in order to gain long term competency.” – Dave Ramsey No one said delegation is easy. In fact, it’s hard and a little scary. BUT…. it’s a critical ingredient to every successful business and business OWNER if they want to keep their sanity. So many … Read more

Delegation Part 3: The “Fail-Safe”

I freaking love that we’re talking about delegation this month… because it’s something I see SO many fitness pros struggle with. As a recovering control freak, this used to really hold me back in my business. Since I started putting a few basic practices in place to create a “fail-safe” system for delegation, things have … Read more

Delegation Rule #2

LOVED all of your emails that I got a couple days ago when I wrote about my first rule for delegation. If you missed it, click here. Don’t go through the next part of this series until you’ve read Rule #1. Delegation is one of the most important things you can learn how to do … Read more

FIRST Rule of Delegation (it’s not what you think)

You hired a graphic designer to create an “awesome flyer” and when you got it back, you were massively disappointed and decided a 3rd grader could have done a better job. They apparently suck and now you need to hire someone else. Or how about this… Your new admin is having trouble processing a new … Read more

My Top 5 “Swipe Folders” (must-read)

Oh, this is going to be GOOD… Yesterday I talked about the “Magical Words” SWIPE FOLDER I started using in my business. “Swipe Folders” have been invaluable to me in my business over the years. Basically- it’s a collection of images, content, screenshots, etc… that I’ve saved in giant (but organized) folders. They’re always there … Read more

Trigger Words At Your Fingertips…

I’ve been reading a LOT lately. At the moment, I’ve been obsessed with reading books by some of the best and most legendary copywriters in the world…. like John Carlton, Eugene Schwartz, Gary Halbert, and the list goes on. And you know what one of the things I noticed that’s CONSISTENT in all of their … Read more