
New Client Onboarding (Step-by-Step)

One of my fav things to talk about in business is about how to over-deliver to your clients and prospects the BLOW them away. To “Over-deliver” is one of my core values (in business and in life.) I want to exceed expectations and raise standards. My goal is that after EVERY interaction with me or … Read more

Ninja FB Ads Tip + “Behind the Scenes”

I’ve got a really important “Behind the Scenes” message for you today, but FIRST… I want to make sure you saw I officially launched my new “Fitness Business Freedom Formula” FB Group yesterday! Over 300 fitness pro’s have already joined in the last 24 hours. (and it’s 100% F-R-E-E!) I’m going to be posting videos, … Read more

My New 90-Day Sprint

If you’ve been following me for the past few months, you’ll know I’m following The 12-Week Year method. It’s a book by Brian Moran and is all about how to get more done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 months. Pretty powerful stuff. Today, I wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what … Read more