
No One EVER Sees This…

Last night I went to a UFC fight here in Orlando. I’ve been a fan for years, and this was my 4th live fight. Stephens Vs. Emmett. Controversial win for Stephens because there was an illegal knee and then an illegal elbow to the back of the head. Personally, I believe ref blew the call… … Read more

See If You Can Beat Me In This Puzzle….

How about a fun puzzle for you today!? This blew my mind… because I totally got it wrong. Let’s see if you can beat me…. We all know how important it is to be laser-focused in your business (and in your life) if you’re working towards accomplishing something important. It takes planning … and diligent … Read more

Swipe These 10 Client-Survey Questions…

Hope your week is off to a great start! Got something good for ya today… A few people have reached out asking about survey questions for clients who have completed a transformation challenge. To me, surveys are ALWAYS a great idea, because there are a lot of things we “think” we know… but we really … Read more

My New Focus Hack When I Work…. (pic)

I’ve been using my essential oil diffuser for years now…. but it wasn’t until recently that I started using it to help me focus while I was working. I’ve always used it for relaxation and healing…. and also because it smells amazing. But lately, I’ve been using it pretty much every time I sit down … Read more

My 3 Tech “Must-Haves” To Run My Business

Right now, I’m sitting on a plan on the way up to Toronto. I’m headed to a Raptors game tonight with my friend Stephanie Joanne. Tomorrow and Thursday, I’m going to a Strategic Coach mastermind to soak in as much as I can. This has been on my mind for a few weeks to write … Read more