
The Sneaky Pressure Of Being “Authentic”

Surely you’ve heard how important it is to be “authentic” on social media.

I’ve talked about it in my past posts…

We talk about it in some of our Content Club trainings…

But have you ever wondered what that means, and how much of your personal life you should be sharing on your professional social media accounts?

On one hand, showing glimpses of your personal life can make your brand feel more relatable, more approachable, and yes — more authentic.

But on the other hand, there’s a risk of oversharing, potentially alienating your audience, or simply confusing them about your brand message.

So, how do you make sure those lines aren’t blurred?

Here’s a simple tip…

Before hitting “post”, ask yourself if what you’re sharing offers value to your audience.

Does that personal story relate back to a lesson they can learn about reaching their goals?

Will it help them get to know, love, and trust you as their coach?

If the answers are “yes”, then post.

But if the answer is “no” or you aren’t sure, either don’t post or save it for later when you’re more clear.

You don’t have to be robotic to keep a professional image, but you DO need to set clear boundaries about what you feel is “off-limits” for your brand — which will be different for everyone.

Maybe for you, it makes sense to keep your family, vacations, or certain personal beliefs private.

Or maybe, sharing those things works for your brand, and that’s great!

The point is that it’s up to you, but it’s best to keep what you post aligned with your core values and message.

If feeling like you HAVE to share more about your personal life is keeping you from posting consistently, it might mean you’re leaning too much into the pressure of being “authentic” at the expense of your comfort.

Remember, it’s about building connections and trust, not sharing every single moment.

So stay genuine, stay on-brand, and don’t be afraid to hit “post”!

Make it an amazing day,


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