
Is Your Offer Believable?

Let’s be honest: your ideal clients are being sold a lot of nonsense.

The health and fitness space is FULL of empty promises, quick fixes, and one-size-fits-all solutions…

So by the time your ideal clients see YOUR offer?

They need to wholeheartedly believe that what you’re selling them can help them.

(It’s no wonder people are skeptical and hesitant to invest in yet another program or coach, right?)


How DO you get your ideal clients to believe that what you offer is different?

This is where your unique value proposition (UVP) comes in.

Your UVP is what makes you stand out in a crowded market and convinces your prospects that you’re the solution they’ve been searching for.

In other words, it’s your “secret sauce”!

If you aren’t sure what your UVP is, think about:

  • Why your clients get such great results
  • How you address objections on sales calls (when someone isn’t totally convinced that your program will work for them, what’s the first thing you usually say to them to help them understand why it WILL work?)
  • And if you *don’t* have clients yet, think about what YOU did differently on your own health journey (what was that *thing* that made everything click for you?)

From there, your UVP should be woven into every aspect of your marketing, from your website and social media to your emails and sales pages.

You may need to test and tweak the way you explain your UVP if you haven’t nailed it yet…

So pay attention to the feedback and questions you receive from your audience.

What aspects of your offer do they seem most interested in or confused about?

Use this information to refine your message and make sure your UVP is resonating!

If you need help figuring out your UVP, join us on next month’s live coaching call inside of Content Club.

On top of giving you proven content and marketing templates to grow your health or fitness business…

We do “hot seat” style coaching calls each month where you can get all your business, marketing, and mindset questions answered — anything goes!

(If you can’t wait that long, we have on-demand trainings available in your membership, too!)

Hope to see you on the inside!

Make it an amazing day,


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