
🔥Testimonial Challenge (+ Swipe Copy!)

I’m caffeinated, well rested, and it’s MONDAY. Game on.

Very interesting. When I look at the hard data, I can attribute over $200,000 worth of FRONT END sales in my fitness business all to a single landing page.

There was nothing fancy about it at all. It had the same basic stuff that you’d see on just about every other landing page out there… except for ONE thing.

Front and center, I had a powerful video testimonial “montage”.

It was an emotional video that featured 7-8 of my best clients. It highlighted their stories, their results, and the impact my program created in their lives.

It was incredibly powerful, and you better believe that EVERY time I ran traffic to a landing page… that video was on it.

It was a game-changer for me. Not only did it convert like crazy, but the people it did convert, were the EXACT people I was looking for.

This is because the video resonated and connected with my ideal clients at a deeper level.

This is called attraction-based marketing. And unless you have an endless supply of money to throw spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks, it’s one of the most effective ways to spend your marketing dollars.

The best part, is that you can create this exact same kind of social proof in your own business.
This week, I’m challenging YOU, (if you choose to accept!) to video 7 client testimonials in your own fitness business.

And, I’ve even created a special cheat-sheet for you with sample testimonial questions and an email swipe copy to give you a few ideas.

There’s no ulterior motive. There’s nothing for sale.

This is just a fun, “get-er-done” challenge, that’ll help you take your business to the NEXT LEVEL. (and… you can even win a few awesome prizes just for completing the challenge!)

There’s literally NO excuse not to participate!

It’s happening right now over in my FBFF group. Here’s the link to checkout the rules and to participate: facebook.com/groups/fitnessbusinessfreedomformula/permalink/548527065529119

Challenge ends this Friday, March 9th! Are you in!?

Let me know by clicking here! <—-

Make it a productive and social-proof filled day,

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