
Your January Business Building Checklist

I hope you were able to enjoy some downtime this holiday season!

We all know how crazy January can be … and if you’re not fully prepared, it can get a little overwhelming.

The secret to riding the New Year’s wave (and making the most of it!) in your business is to: PRIORITIZE, SIMPLIFY, and have a PLAN IN PLACE.

And you guessed it – I’ve got you covered with a plan to make that happen! It’s your January Business Builder Checklist.

Here’s a quick tip to help you focus & simplify as we head into January: set a theme for the month to keep all your marketing & programming aligned – it could be fat loss, mindset, clean eating … whatever works for your niche!

This way you’re not all over the place in January and throwing together random pieces of content for your audience.

Bonus tip! Block out your schedule so you only focus on one task at a time. Choose the tasks that will create the most leverage and have the most impact on your business.

This will 1) help you prioritize how you spend your time and 2) keep your momentum moving forward!



  • Finalize Details. Put the finishing touches on your 2020 New Year Transformation Program promos (if you’re offering any.)
  • Bundle It. If you need a simple way to increase revenue and add value to your programs, consider creating a “bundle” at the different price point: include equipment (foam roll, water bottle, branded t-shirt, jump rope, etc.), an assessment, group training, etc. Whatever makes sense for your model.
  • Challenge Prep. Get your 2020 New Year Challenge materials ready to go: emails, FB posts, recipes/manual/plans, etc. (If you need a challenge, there are 6 to choose from here.)
  • Marketing Prep. Create your social media posts, Facebook ads, marketing emails, etc., and get them scheduled ASAP! Don’t forget about flyers and posters if you’re local.
  • Client Reactivations. Contact former clients who left in July and get them back in for training. (Hint: if you don’t already have a system in place to do this every month, this can be the first new one you tackle for creation.)
  • January Workshop. Possible topics include vision boards, goal setting or fat loss. This is a great way to get new leads!


  • Plan AHEAD. Get ahead of your content and marketing plan and map out your entire first quarter of content. (Check out the Q1 Content & Marketing Calendar I sent out last week for ideas!)
  • Content Block. Block off a chunk of time to write your content for the entire week ahead …. better yet the whole month! This will save you so much stress! Then get it scheduled. 🙂
  • Insider Tip: Here’s how I block on my schedule: I have a planning block (where I map out my strategy and content), a content block (where I actually create the content), a review block (where I edit / update the content). I’ve got someone to help me schedule, but if you don’t have that- I recommend a scheduling block also 🙂


  • 2020 New Year Kick-Off Workout! Host a special workout to start the year off right! If you’re virtual, you can still leverage this idea with an online workshop / party!
  • Group 5K or Obstacle Course Race. Build on the momentum by choosing a local fitness event (like a 5K or obstacle course) and putting together a group to participate. If you’re virtual, host a free 5-day challenge for your tribe.
  • Build Relationships. Choose 3 businesses to connect with. Reach out (or stop by if you’re local) and introduce yourself! No hidden agenda- just expand your network.
  • Pick Your 2020 Events! For YOUR sanity and your own connection, research a couple of conferences or events that you’d like to attend in 2020! 🙂 (something fun to get you excited and fired up!)


  • Vision Meeting. Schedule a lunch for your team to discuss your vision for the coming year and their role in making it happen (and how they will benefit!). It’s SO important to make sure everyone is on the same page and that they’re ALL-IN with you on the vision (and mission) is. (If you don’t have clarity on 2020 yet, getting clear is your very first step.)
  • Delegate MORE. Trust your team to do their job. As long as you’ve properly documented your systems and have trained them appropriately…. delegate it!!
  • Internal Education. Set up any educational workshops or presentations you plan to offer your team. This can be a huge morale builder!
  • External Education. If it’s in the budget, encourage them to research a new workshop, certification, or event that you can help support them on in 2020!
  • Team Reading. Pick a great book that you as a TEAM will read together in January (or at least start in January), and then discuss at a team meeting!


  • Schedule time to work ON your business. I recommend spending at least an hour each day on your business (vs “in” your business working with clients, etc.). Each week, choose ONE business system to update or create. (Want more info on systems? Check out: https://fitproessentials.com/checklist-50-systems-to-skyrocket-your-business)
  • Time Block. While you’re scheduling time in your calendar to work ON your business, also schedule your workouts, family and personal obligations, etc. Allow for buffer time between tasks, too!
  • ABC Testimonials. (Always Be Collecting) Be sure to ask your clients for testimonials – video, if possible! Again, this is another item you can include in your business systems.


and whenever it makes sense, delegate to your team.

Be present, and take time to enjoy your day!


The Content & Social Media Club

P.S. If you need help systemizing, streamlining, and simplifying your fitness business in 2020.. and want to finally get your business operating like a well-oiled machine to make 2020 one of your best years YET… CLICK HERE to learn more about my Coaching Program.

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