
You Can’t Afford To Break This Rule …

The other day I posted about making the most of the rest of the year – and CRUSHING your 2021 business goals.

But I have a big warning for you today as you look over your goals and priorities for the rest of the year. (If you missed it, you can read about it here <<)

I have some specific advice for you related to the warning below.

But first, let’s talk about an affliction that almost all entrepreneurs suffer from: Squirrel Syndrome!

In a nutshell (pun intended), we have SO MANY IDEAS that it’s hard for us to focus … and we end up like a squirrel sprinting around chasing shiny objects.

And that’s exactly the OPPOSITE of what works – no matter how big or how small your business.

I just finished reading The Ride of a Lifetime, by Robert Iger. (great book btw)

Years ago, when he was running for the CEO position of Disney (a BIG DEAL!), he had a ton of ideas and key changes he wanted to make if he were to be voted in.

As a Disney insider, he knew the company inside and out. (The same way you know your business!)

To put himself in the best position possible, he began working on a game plan with his campaign manager.

He began to map out ALL of the changes he wanted to make at Disney if he were elected as the CEO …. but his campaign manager QUICKLY shut him down.

He told Iger he was only allowed to have 3 PRIORITIES that he focused on during his campaign.

If he had more than three, he would lack focus and appear disorganized. —>

Most importantly, he told Iger that if he had more than three things he wanted to focus on, they weren’t really priorities, after all.

Mic drop.

Iger took the advice to heart. And he ended up getting the job … and he has been following that “rule of 3” ever since.

“The Rule of 3” is a tried-and-true road to success.

This leads me to a challenge for you: Today pick the 3 most important priorities for the rest of 2021 for YOUR business.

Once you identify what those are (choose carefully!), you can then come up with a plan to focus your time and energy on those things.

This doesn’t mean you’ll ignore the other things on your list. You’ll rotate them in as you complete higher-priority items.

Because the reality is, if you’re focusing on more than 3 things – none of them are really priorities.

So … it’s time to decide:

What are your top 3 for the rest of 2021?

What will drive you forward in the BIGGEST way possible and create leverage in your business – and your life?

Make it a productive day!


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