
Why It’s Harder For Health & Fit Pros To Stand Out Right Now…

Nope, it’s not in your head…

As a health or fitness coach, you face a challenge that coaches in other niches don’t — because what you teach is grounded in science.

Science that:

– Is largely universal
– Doesn’t change often
– And that EVERYONE else is teaching…

Because it’s science!

In other words, a lot of your competitors are sharing the SAME kinds of insights, offers, and services…

And the rest can be found on Google.

This doesn’t make your job any less impactful…

It just means that it’s EXTRA important for you to stand out.

So, if your ideal clients can find all the information they’re looking for just about anywhere…

Why should they choose YOU to coach them?

If you need help answering that question, take a minute to answer these questions:

  • What personal experiences have shaped my approach to coaching?*
  • What specific results have I helped my clients achieve that others haven’t?*
  • What unique methods, techniques, or frameworks do I use that set me apart from other coaches?*

Now, with your answers in mind, think about your content…

Is it clear from your posts, emails, and videos why you’re different from EVERYONE else out there in the market?

If not, it’s time to make some changes.

And guess what?

We can help you with that.

As competition is at an all time high, we’re making some BIG shifts in The Club to help you stand out from the crowd.

I’ll give you an on-demand, brand-building workshop to help you communicate why people should work with you over anyone else…

a fill-in-the-blank emails, social posts, and lead magnets that guide you step-by-step to share your unique approach…

And LIVE coaching every month to review your messaging and content.

Head here to check it out.

Make it an amazing day,


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