
This Is “Death By A Thousand Cuts” For Your Business

I see this all the time:

A new health or fitness coach starts their business with a BIG vision and a HUGE heart…

—> Their excitement carries them for a few months or maybe even a few years…

—> But then anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout starts to creep in…

And suddenly, their vision gets smaller… and smaller… and smaller.

It’s heartbreaking, really, because it doesn’t have to be that way.

I know “systems” and “automation” aren’t the sexiest topic…

But they’re TRULY the only way out of that overwhelm.

The key is realizing that those little tasks and to-do’s that are keeping you stuck will ALWAYS be there unless you find a way to streamline them.

Sure, you can do it yourself THIS time…

But what about next time? And the time after that? Or the time after that?

It’s death by a thousand cuts for your business…

And by the time you realize it, you’re not only burned out, but your business has stopped growing.

So next time you get “stuck” – think about what you can do DIFFERENTLY to make it easier or more streamlined down the road.

  • Do you need automated follow-ups to make sure prospects show up to your sales calls?
  • Are you chasing down clients one-by-one for progress updates during your transformation challenges?
  • Could you add an upsell sequence to your sales funnel to increase your profits every time someone buys your low-ticket offer?

Even if it takes a little more time right now, setting up automations like these are the EASIEST way to protect your energy AND big vision in the long-run.

That said, my challenge for you today is to block off at least ONE day next week to revisit your systems and automations.

What’s working? What’s not? What else can you streamline?

If you make this a practice every month, you’ll begin to scale faster than you ever thought possible.

Make it an amazing day,


P.S. Want my help figuring out what to automate? Not only do you get an entire month’s worth of plug-and-play content to market your health or fitness business inside of Content Club…

You also get live monthly coaching calls with me to get real-time support and feedback on everything from mindset and marketing to systems and automation.

Check it all out here.

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