
Part 2: Don’t Survey Clients Without Doing This First …

Asking your clients to fill out a survey …

and actually getting them to FILL IT OUT are two completely different things!

If you’re doing an end-of-year client survey (hint: you probably should!), then you’ll want to make sure you implement a few strategies to get the best results.

Below I’m going to share a few tips and tricks …

But first, in case you missed my post where I shared a swipe file of end-of-year survey questions for your clients, you can check it out over here:

2021 End-of-Year Client Survey Questions Swipe <<

Ok let’s dive into a few tips to get the best results from your surveys:

#1. Ask the right questions so you get QUALITY answers that you can actually USE! (check out the swipe questions in the link above)

#2. Have a good mix of shorter, longer, yes/no, ranked, and open-ended questions so your clients will give you the most valuable input.

#3. Keep it short and don’t ask TOO many questions (keep it under 10). The longer it is, the less likely people are to fill it out.

#4. Set up your survey in a platform like Typeform, Survey Monkey, or Google Forms.

#5. Give them a REASON to fill it out it & make it FUN to participate (like a raffle).

As much as your clients love you (and even though they have the best intentions) life gets busy. Consider doing a drawing/giveaway for a prize. (ex: free training session, water bottle, supplements, etc. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy!)

#6. Set a deadline! Otherwise, they’ll keep putting it off.

#7. Consider keeping the answers anonymous because you’ll be more likely to get honest feedback. (If you’re doing a raffle, you’ll need to run on the honor system if they say they’ve completed it.)

And here are TWO BONUS TIPS for you:

Bonus Tip: Be mindful of the fact that just because clients say they want something … it doesn’t mean they will pay for it. I like to roll out new programs/changes in “beta” or as a trial before permanently committing to adding something into a program or to the schedule.

Bonus Tip: Don’t take negative feedback personally. Use it as information to make adjustments and make your program the absolute BEST it can be.

So there you have it!

In just a few short days, you will have a LOT of great insight into what’s working (and what’s not), so you can make even better decisions in 2022.

Hope you found these tips helpful!

Make it an amazing day,

Alicia 🙂

Fit Pro Accelerator (systems coaching)
The Content & Social Media Club (the best content for fit & health pros on the planet!)

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