
[New] Your September Business Builder Checklist

As you probably already know, we’re heading into one of the BUSIEST times of the year for your business.

After Labor Day, people are ready to recommit to their goals as their schedules get back to normal from the summer break. They want to finish out the year strong and look and feel AMAZING for the holidays.

It’s up to you to have the plan and the systems in place to make that all happen.

That’s why I love to create and share these quick checklists with you.

This checklist will help shift your focus from the day-to-day to the big picture and will help you to be clear and INTENTIONAL about your actions (instead of flying by the seat of your pants!)

This is a beefy list. Choose only the things on this list that apply to where you are in your business RIGHT NOW, and use it as your jumping-off point!

I’m all about creating a business that works for YOU, vs. you working for your business. This checklist will help you to do just that!



  • September Marketing Prep. Create and schedule all of your content, marketing, and promotions for September – email newsletters, social media posts, ads. Time-saver: do this in batches, doing all the writing at once, then creating the graphics, and finally scheduling it all. Just get it done, it’ll take so much off your plate and reduce ongoing stress. (If you need help with this, check out my Content Club. I’ve already got an entire month of content in there for you for September!)
  • Transformation Program. September is a GREAT time to hold a transformation challenge. A challenge not only gives you a quick $$ boost and helps your existing clients reach their goals, but you also can use it to introduce NEW people to your business. Wow them with amazing results, and then convert them into long-term clients.
  • September Workshop. If you plan on holding a workshop/seminar this month, finalize all your plans ASAP. Ninja tip: use your seminar as a lead generator for your transformation challenge. Focus your seminar on meal prep or something that your target clientele would need help with, and then at the end of the workshop offer everyone a chance to sign up for the program with a special incentive.


  • Schedule time to work ON your business. This is when you create the foundation of your business, vs. working “in” your business with clients, etc. This means creating/updating the systems your business runs on – like client onboarding, marketing systems, financial systems, testimonial systems, etc. Basically, you want to outline every step of the way for these systems, so that eventually you can delegate as much as possible. (I recommend 30-60 minutes at least 3x per week to create or update systems in your business.)
  • Create/update a running list of system upgrades you want to make. Chances are when you’re working on systems, you’ll have ideas for other systems. Here’s a Systems Checklist if you need a place to start. 
  • Focus on just one business system each week so you’re able to make measurable progress and don’t get sidetracked.
  • Set your schedule for the week/month. Take 10-15 minutes ASAP to block out your schedule and set specific times for working with clients and on the most important tasks in your business. Don’t forget to include time for family/friends and self-care (your workouts, meals, etc) Also, don’t overcommit… but DO set one big priority for each day!
  • What Can You AUTOMATE? Is there something you’re doing manually right now that you can use Zapier to do for you? What about Schedule Once or another piece of software or tech?
  • DELEGATE One Thing. As business owners, we care so much about our business and the way we do things, that sometimes it’s hard to let things go. I encourage you to TRUST the process. Pick ONE thing that you want to delegate this month. Something you know that you should delegate, but haven’t yet. Once your system and checks and balances are in place, train someone on your team to perform the task. I promise your schedule will thank you in October.


  • Monthly Client Reactivations. Contact clients who left in March and get them back in for training. Make them a low-barrier offer for their first month back. (This should be part of your regular client reactivation system.)
  • Client Testimonials. Ask your clients for testimonials (video if possible). Try to get 5 additional testimonials or reviews this month. They will matter when you’re running your promos during the fall and over the holidays!
  • Unexpected Outreach. Pick a handful of clients and take them out for a smoothie! If you’re on a budget, just send a nice handwritten card (which I believe you should be doing regularly anyway!) or pick up the phone and just call them to check-in.


Do you have anything on the schedule this month to help give back to your community or create more of a connection with your clients? If not, here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Host a Workout or Event for Charity. Have people donate money, or bring items for an animal shelter or food bank for admittance. Encourage members/clients to bring a friend.
  • Online Challenge. If you have an online presence, offer a free challenge via social media. This could be clean eating, core strength & mobility work, meditation, etc.
  • Take the First Step. Visit businesses in your town/near your studio to say hi, just to make a connection. This isn’t about sales – it’s about connection and raising your profile in the community.
  • Network. Check out a local networking or business meetup group so you can get to know other area business owners. Do a little homework first to make sure it’s not network-marketing oriented.
  • Professional Development. Are there any fall conferences you want to attend, to network with other fit and wellness pros?


  • Monthly Team Meeting. I recommend team meetings at LEAST once a month. Schedule and plan for this if you haven’t already. You want to make sure everyone is up-to-date on everything they need to know. These are also a great opportunity for you to connect, educate, empower, and lead your team so you can all work together to achieve the mission you have for your business.
  • Professional Development. Consider offering a skill-building workshop. Each month, focus on a new topic – workout programming, mindset, nutrition, coaching, sports specific training, etc. Keep it fun and functional – bring in local experts (like physical therapists or chiropractors) or make it interactive & practical, where they get to practice skills with each other.
  • Team Appreciation. What can you do this month to show your team that you appreciate them!? A team dinner? Movie tickets in the mail? A handwritten card? An unexpected bonus? A custom mug with their nickname on it?

Remember: it’s the consistency that counts.

“Success isn’t always about “greatness”, it’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success.” – Dwayne Johnson

I hope you find this list helpful. Keep up all of your amazingness!

Enjoy your day,

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