
What’s Your Entrepreneurial Temperature?

It has been on my list for a while now, but I finally got around to picking up a book recommended to me by my friend Zach Marcy called The Prosperous Coach. It’s all about increasing income and impact for you and your clients…which is EXACTLY what I’m all about. I came across this passage: … Read more

Part 2: The “E” Word Money Challenge

Yesterday, I challenged you to take a hard look at your “to-do” list and remove 5 things that didn’t NEED to be in there. I got a ton of feedback back from that challenge yesterday- AWESOME job to everyone who did it! A lot of people talked about how it was a big weight off of … Read more

Part 1: The “E” Word Challenge

Today we’re going to focus on the “E” word: ELIMINATE. I talk to a lot of fitness pro’s who have WAY too much on their plate! It’s no wonder that people feel stressed out and overwhelmed. It’s not that they are running out of time in the day, it’s just that they are spending too … Read more

19 Golden Nuggets & Tips

A few weeks ago, I started a conversation in my Fitness Business Freedom Formula Group asking people to share their BEST tip or piece of advice they would give to someone just starting out. Something they WISH they had known before they got started…. We had some INCREDIBLE shares and truly insightful tips. So I … Read more