
(HUGE) Enrolling vs. Selling

I had a really important conversation yesterday with one of my coaching clients about SELLING. He mentioned that his team HATES selling. They think it’s sleazy, and that in their minds… they relate it to being a used car salesman. First of all- they need to BELIEVE in their program. Of course- his coaches do. … Read more

TOP Time Saving Tip For Fitness Business Owners

So this post is REALLY special.  It was written for you by my AMAZING assistant, Adrienne. Instead of her position being called “Administrative Assistant”… we decided to name her position “Client Happiness Specialist” because that’s exactly what she does! Adrienne is like a ninja.  She’s one of the most organized and efficient people that I’ve ever met. … Read more

Resource Roundup!

February has come to an end and, as usual, the year is flying by! Are you on track for reaching your goals in 2017? After all, we’re already one sixth of the way through already! I’ve been working hard on cranking out content for two big presentations, a new webinar, and have been building and tweaking … Read more

This STOPPED Me In My Tracks.

I’m in the middle of Tim Ferriss’ new book Tool of Titans, and it’s AWESOME. I pre-ordered it a couple of months ago and finally got it in the mail last week. It’s about 2 inches thick…for real. It’s the kind of book you can skip around in, so that’s exactly what I’m doing. Tim … Read more