
Sample 4th Quarter Marketing Calendar

Back by popular demand, I wanted to share my updated 2016 4th quarter content and marketing calendar! Can you believe we’re almost near the end of the year? I can’t. The holidays will be here before you know it, and it’s SO important to make sure that you’ve got everything planned and ready to go. … Read more

My Personal Man-Eating Stage Alligators

Right now I’m studying Price Pritchett. I read something over the weekend that really stuck out….. “Your doubts are not the product of accurate thinking, but of habitual thinking.” This couldn’t be MORE true. As many of you may know, I used to have a massive fear of public speaking. There’s nothing logical about this. It … Read more

10 Feet Meant Life Or Death…

I’m reading a book called You2 which talks about how to take a massive, quantum leap in your life instead of smaller, incremental gains. It starts off with a really cool story about a fly that was determined to fly through a glass window. Freedom was JUST on the other side of the glass. He … Read more

This is a Trap…

It’s true. Faith in the familiar is a trap. If you go back to what has worked in the past, it will likely work for you again…. but ONLY at that same, previous level of success. The problem is that most of us are trying to move beyond that level. We’re trying to reach higher … Read more

Taking Home A Piece Of The World Trade Center

Over the weekend, I went to the Stephen Siller Tunnels to Towers 5k race here in Orlando. It was an incredible race where firefighters and police ran in their full gear for the entire 3+ miles. The race was in honor of Stephen Siller, who was just getting off shift in Brooklyn. On his way … Read more

Part 2: The “E” Word Money Challenge

Yesterday, I challenged you to take a hard look at your “to-do” list and remove 5 things that didn’t NEED to be in there. I got a ton of feedback back from that challenge yesterday- AWESOME job to everyone who did it! A lot of people talked about how it was a big weight off of … Read more