
Step 3: Tracking Your Onboarding System!

You ready to finish up your Onboarding System?!

Today, I’m going to wrap up my 3-part series on creating your 90-Day New Client Onboarding Experience that will turn your new members into your most loyal fans.

This step is the MOST IMPORTANT ONE out of the three.

You could have the best onboarding system in the world, but if you don’t have a way to track it and make sure everything gets done, things start quickly falling through the cracks… especially when you scale.

Building AMAZING relationships with your members is the key to your long-term growth and success. Your onboarding system is a huge part of that.

“You only get one chance to make a first impression.” It’s true.

The first 90 days is where you can turn new clients into long-term, loyal fans who rave about you to their family, friends, and coworkers … driving referrals and boosting your retention rates (and revenue). Or it can leave them feeling disengaged and indifferent.

In Part 1 and Part 2 I’ve gone over why you need an onboarding system, what it should include, and the various ways to deliver it (email, phone calls, videos, printable guides, etc.). I’ve also covered exactly how to map out your blueprint for your entire 90-days.

Today, we are going to get into the nuts and bolts and CREATE and SYSTEMATIZE your process.

This is your bulletproof plan to make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

STEP #1: CREATE A SPREADSHEET with boxes that have to be checked off as you implement your onboarding system.

This will include not only the task itself but “when” this task will happen. Example:

  1. Add them to your email list and “welcome series” of autoresponders? (Day 1)
  2. Record their birthday and signup anniversary date? (Day 1)
  3. Send New Member Welcome Package (Day 1)
  4. Get “before pics” and measurements (Day 1)
  5. Check-In Call (Day 2)
  6. And the list goes on to include everything you mapped out in your new client journey from earlier this week.

This spreadsheet will keep you organized, which is HUGE whether you personally are going take them through the onboarding system or if you are going to delegate it to an assistant or team member.

It also allows you (or your team) to check off each step along the way to ensure each new member gets the same experience.

You won’t have to worry whether something has been done — all you have to do is look at the spreadsheet.

(Use a Google Spreadsheet- so it’s in the cloud. More advanced strategies include using tech to track and automate this process.)


—-> This is the REAL stuff that creates leverage in your business. It’ll allow you to grow and scale with ease.

****It’s what MOST business owners don’t take the time to create…. and the same reason why most of them are drowning in the day-to-day. (It’s also what I specialize in and why I help people build out these exact kinds of systems in their business.)

For every item on your spreadsheet, create a step-by-step process detailing exactly what needs to happen in order to implement it properly (including who does what and when).

Pretend you’re teaching an 8-year old how to do it.

MAKE IT SUPER SIMPLE for this 8-year old to follow the steps. Use videos, screenshots, links, and anything you need to include for them to be able to follow your process.

So, not only are you creating email content, phone scripts, success manual, video content, etc… but you’re creating the PROCESS that goes along with each task so it gets implemented properly.

Perfection is the enemy of progress.

The key right now isn’t to have everything perfect — you simply want to set up a system that you can improve and refine as your business grows.

From here, you’ll implement, review and tweak your onboarding system on a regular basis.

Take one step at a time, be thoughtful, and remember…. ALWAYS put yourself in your client’s shoes before creating anything in your business. It’s ALL about their needs and wants.

I hope you’ve found this series helpful and gets you on the way to setting up your own system.

If you need help developing systems like this in your business, this is EXACTLY what my 16-week coaching program is designed to do.

Not only do I break down all of your systems with you, but I provide templates, scripts, and content to speed up the process. We’ll not only streamline your systems, but I’ll help you automate and delegate so you can get your time back.

If you’ve read this far, it means that systems are important to you. If you need help, click here now to learn more. There’s a link directly to my schedule where you can book a call with me to see if it’s a good fit for you and your business.

Enjoy your day!

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