
🤓 What % Of Your Email List Should Buy?

Picture this…

It’s January 5th, 2024 — a year from today.

You’re sipping coffee at your desk with your email analytics open on your computer, after a year of consistently sending your list really valuable content every week.

As you scroll through your numbers, you notice a few things…

Your email open rates are higher.

The sales you made from your email list are off the charts.

And now that you’re looking at the data, you realize that every time you put a promo in front of your audience over the last 12 months, they bought it.

Pretty great, right?

The thing is, if you spent some time reviewing your Q4 numbers this week and weren’t happy with what you saw…

The results you’ll get in quarter four of 2023 start RIGHT NOW.

And if you want an easy boost?

Start building and nurturing your warm audience like your business depends on it.

With technology moving faster than ever and online advertising more rampant, people want real, authentic relationships.

Your people want to get to know you!

Here’s the math to give you some goal posts:

👉 About 18% of people who open your emails will buy from you at some point.

👉 That means if you have a list of 100 people, about 5 of them will make a purchase.

And remember, this is on AVERAGE (so about 5%).

In fact, it’s not uncommon to see 20% or more of your email list becoming buyers if you’ve got a solid strategy to nurture your audience.

So even if just 5 out of 100 people buy … and you have a list of 1,000 people?

That = 50 new clients

Imagine that on repeat.

The moral of the story?

Don’t underestimate the value of your email list – it’s a goldmine for generating sales and scaling your business in 2023.

Not to mention all of the people who you will add value to along the way 🙂

If that’s helpful, I’ve got a bunch of conversion and optimization strategies coming this month, so stay tuned!

In the meantime…

Take action ASAP and start paying a little more attention to your email list.

Make it an amazing day,


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