
Okay, But Are You Having FUN?

With just two full weeks left of the year, you’re probably asking yourself questions like…

How can I increase my monthly recurring revenue next year?

Who do I need to hire?

What can I optimize?

And although those questions are absolutely key for having an even better, more profitable 2024…

I want to add one more question to your list.

And that question is…

How can you have more FUN in your business?

This is a question I recently started asking myself, and it’s led me to some major epiphanies about how I currently spend my time and how I WANT to spend my time next year.

The result?

In the last few weeks, I’ve started:

  • Doing more client-facing work because I love it and miss it
  • Spending my mornings on mindset work, meditation, and reflection
  • Coming up with new offers that light me up
  • Tweaking my schedule so I have more time and energy

And just generally feeling GREAT about what I’m doing and how I do it.

So, yes, spend some time going over metrics and money and all that cold-hard data you need to optimize your business next year…

But don’t forget to reflect on what truly lights you up and how you can do more of it.

If you’re in this for the long haul, THAT is what’s going to keep you going.

Make it worth it,


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