
If You AVOID Marketing Yourself, Read This…

Let’s talk about the “M” word for a minute…

Yes, marketing.

I know that as a coach, you just want to coach your clients.

The thought of sitting down to create social media posts, sales pages, marketing emails, and all those other marketing assets can feel daunting—especially if marketing isn’t really your “thing”.

And guess what? That’s totally normal.

But here’s the issue…

It’s easy to tell yourself things like, “Once I make X amount of revenue, I’ll start focusing on marketing…”

Or, “I’m not very good at marketing, so I’ll wait until I can afford to outsource all of it…”

But the truth is, waiting to put a real effort into your marketing until AFTER you grow may be the very thing stopping your growth.

The solution?

Start now, and refine later.

You don’t need a perfect, comprehensive marketing strategy to start building your audience…

But you DO need to start posting on social media.

You don’t need to be a master copywriter to start converting leads on your email list…

But you DO need to start sending them emails.

You’ll learn a lot along the way, and some effort is better than none!

And if you’re one of those “marketing feels icky” people?

Remember that you can’t change lives if no one knows about you—which means marketing is the vehicle to making your massive impact.

In other words, marketing is a key piece of your growth, so don’t let the fear of the unknown scare you away.

(Think about what you’d tell one of your clients who’s new to eating healthy or going to the gym!)

So, this week, I’m inviting you to pick ONE marketing activity you’re going to commit to this month and block off time for it in your calendar.

90 days from now, you’ll be glad you did it.

Make it an amazing day,


P.S. My Content & Marketing Club gives you an end-to-end system to grow your health or fitness business—from revenue-generating marketing campaigns you can plug right into your business, to trainings on how to delegate as you grow. You can try your first month here!

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