
[CHEAT SHEET] Your Business Checklist For A Saner Holiday!

You can feel it, right?

The holidays are coming at us fast!!

The last thing you want is to do is feel guilty when you’re spending time with your friends and family because your business is hanging over your head.

The more you can do ahead of time, the better.

Then, you can truly unplug, be present, and enjoy every moment over the next month!

Last year, I shared a quick cheat-sheet to help things from falling through the cracks over the holidays. I got a ton of “thank you’s” after I sent it, so wanted to share it again in case it’ll help you stay on track this year 🙂

Check these items off your list as soon as possible. If you set aside a few hours over the next few days, you’ll be stunned by what you can get done.

Turn off your phone, social media, and all other distractions, and crank it out!

Happier Holidays Business Cheatsheet

  • Post Your Holiday Business Schedule ASAP. Let everyone know when you’ll be open/closed and if there are any special holiday events, etc. Let your clients/members know ahead of time when you and your team will be available.
  • Block Your Personal Calendar for Family & Personal Time. Don’t compromise on this one – this is super important.
  • Finalize Your Holiday & New Year Promotions. Create any special value-added packages you will be offering, bonuses, etc., and get everything done to make it happen.
  • Write & Schedule Your Email Newsletters for December as soon as possible. This is huge. Block off a few hours this week to get it done! Here’s why: Keeping your list primed & active will help your New Year promos, big-time. If you need a resource for this, I’ve got you covered.
  • Create & Schedule Your Social Media Posts. Make a posting calendar and then bang out those posts/plan your FB & Instagram stories and live videos. This is another huge item that will give you peace of mind, so you’re not scrambling at the last minute! (got you covered here, too.)
  • Your Facebook Group will need even more attention this time of year because people’s interest in a healthy lifestyle starts to drop as they face holiday temptations. Keep ‘em psyched up with challenges and engaging posts.
  • Team Schedules: You don’t want any surprises with coverage- make sure everyone knows what they’re responsible for and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • BONUS Tip: Set up your “out of the office” email auto-reply NOW. Most email providers (including Gmail and Outlook) let you schedule this ahead of time. Do it today!
  • Finish Your Holiday Shopping! This one isn’t business-related, but it’s still big for your peace of mind. Shopping online is a HUGE timesaver and sales start early. Get it done ASAP so you can kick back and reeeelax! 🙂

Your business is very important … but not as important as your life, and the people in it.

Getting this stuff done in ADVANCE will give you the space to enjoy the holidays with your family and loved ones without any added stress this year.

Hope you have a great rest of your day,


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