In exactly a week, I’ll be boarding a plane and headed to a meditation retreat for 7 days with Dr. Joe Dispenza. I love Dr. Joe and this has been something on my bucket list for about a year now.
(If you’re up for a great book, you can check out one of his latest called “Becoming Supernatural.” It’s amazing.)
I can’t wait to share all of the incredible things I learn and experience with you!!
How you spend your time will determine the quality of your life.
It’s so CRAZY IMPORTANT not to get caught up in routine, and to be conscious about what you’re spending your time on, and who you’re spending it with.
Which leads me to a very important list that I want to share with you today…
It’s called “The Top 10 Low Value Uses of Time” and it’s straight from The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch.
Tomorrow, I’m going to share the other half of the list “The Top 10 Highest Value Uses of Time.”
We all know time is something we can never get back. Money can be replaced, but the way you spend your time will be gone forever.
Koch says “Be RUTHLESSÂ in cutting out these activities. Under no circumstances give everyone a fair share of your time. Above all, don’t do something just because people ask…”
The List: Top 10 Low Value Uses of Time
1. Things other people want you to do
2. Things that have always been done this way
3. Things you’re not unusually good at doing
4. Things you don’t enjoy doing
5. Things that are always interrupted
6. Things few other people are interested in
7. Things that have already taken twice as long as you originally expected
8. Things where your collaborators are unreliable or low quality
9. Things that have a predictable cycle
10. Answering the telephone
I have this list printed out on my desk to remind me how precious my time is, and how easy it is to give it away.
The top item on here for me personally is “things other people want you to do.”
As business owners, we are pulled in countless directions ALL of the time. In order to steer the ship, you have GOT to stay focused on your destination and not let yourself get off course.
Spend a minute or ten reflecting on this list, and see if this impacts any decisions you make next week 🙂
Keep an eye out for the other half of the list!
Make it an amazing day,
Alicia Streger