
This Changes The Way You Show Up Online

Something I hear a lot (and can totally relate to) is people not wanting to show up and plaster their face everywhere on social media.

But here’s a little reframe that might help:

Think of your social media as a community, not a stage!

Yes, you can have your private Facebook group where you grow a “real” community…

But even your public-facing social media profiles can be a place of genuine interaction and connection rather than a place to go, “Look at me! I’m here and available to work with you!”

Once you start looking at your social media profiles that way, it feels more like showing up to help your tribe rather than getting on a stage to perform.

The best part?

People are more likely to respond, engage, and be more compelled to work with you when you show up with that energy anyway!

In our Content Club, we give you “connection content” and “value content” to rebrand as your own to help you foster more of that community feel…

But even if you choose to create your social media content from scratch, you’ll notice a drastic shift in your results (and how you feel about social media) when you show up with the intention to serve rather than to be seen.

Is it easier said than done? Yes.

But only at first!

Start practicing showing up like this now, and by the time 2024 rolls around, you’ll be starting your year with a serious confidence boost.

Your people are waiting!

Make it an amazing day,


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