
Steal My 15-Minute Morning Routine

Once upon a time (but not that long ago) I was ALL hustle.

It didn’t matter how I felt…

If something was on my to-do list, it was getting done — even if my gut was telling me no!


Things have changed a LOT.

If you caught my last post, I mentioned how last year just felt… blah.

I was operating on autopilot, and I wasn’t very happy.

So, long story short, I reconnected with one of my old mentors, joined his mastermind, and started to shake things up.

Since then, one of the BIGGEST shifts I’ve made is how I start my day.

Before, I used to:

  • Wake up
  • Make coffee
  • Stress out
  • Attack my to-do list with a sense of obligation
  • Drown myself in tasks I didn’t feel like doing
  • Feel *resentful* about the tasks I didn’t want to do
  • Worry about where the business was headed
  • And feel drained by lunch.

Now my morning looks like:

  • Wake up
  • Drink water, supplements (and then make coffee)
  • Gratitude
  • Ask myself “How am I going to make today a 10/10?”
  • Revisit my 10- and 3-year visions
  • Revisit my 6-month goals
  • Read my list of affirmations to shift my energy
  • Write in my journal to clear my head
  • Set clear intentions for the day
  • Review my schedule for the day and optimize it (if needed)
  • And move through my day with clarity and purpose — all while having more FUN (my word of the year).

My new morning routine only takes me 15-20 minutes, but those 20 minutes anchor me to my long-term goals DAILY and help me CHOOSE how I want to feel.

It’s only been a few months, but these few small tweaks have turned me into a different person.

I have more energy, I feel more confident and creative, and I feel like I have an even stronger connection with my team.

Instead of just observing my reality and reacting to it, I’m back to designing the life and business I WANT to have.

And of course, I want that for you, too.

So, please…

Steal my morning routine!

All you need is a journal and 15 minutes.

I GUARANTEE you will start to feel better once you start owning the day (and owning your business) instead of letting it own you.

In my next post, I’ll dig deeper into my list of intentions and affirmations that I mentioned and even share a few with you.

Let me know if you try this!

Make it an amazing day,


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