
My “Business Owner Holiday Checklist!”

With the holidays coming up FAST, I wanted to share a quick checklist that I use every year to make sure I’m able to RELAX and spend time with my family without the guilt.

It’s too easy to get caught up in the “busyness” and then end up having to do important things last minute.

The last thing you want is to be spending time with your friends and family while that nagging feeling of “I have to take care of XYZ” is hanging over your head.

It’ll not only give you anxiety, but it’ll cause you to not be fully present with the people you care about most. (Does this sound familiar?)

There’s no reason to have to go through that this year!

January is going to be very busy, so make sure you get the rest you need this month, so you can charge up and be ready to go!

Although the things below are relatively simple and easy to do, it’s crazy how many people don’t do them ahead of time! Don’t let that be you this year!

Let’s get these knocked off your list so you can enjoy your time with your family during the holidays…

Holiday Reminder Checklist

  • Post Your Holiday Schedule / Hours ASAP! Let everyone know when you’ll be open/closed and if there are any special holiday events, etc. It’s always a great idea to let people know ahead of time when you and your team will be available. (as long as they know ahead of time, there won’t be any problems!)
  • Write + Schedule Your Emails (for clients and prospects) for the rest of December (and maybe even the first week of January if you can!) as soon as possible. Block off a few hours this week so you can check this one off- this is a biggie.
  • Create + Schedule Your Social Media Posts and Facebook Group Posts.
  • Time-Saver: Get more bang for your content buck if you multipurpose your content. Turn your emails into Facebook posts and vice versa.
  • Block Your Calendar for Family and Personal Time. Hold yourself to it, and never compromise on this!
  • Setup Your “Out of the Office” email auto-reply. Most email providers (including Gmail and Outlook) let you schedule this ahead of time. Do it today!
  • Finish Your Holiday Shopping in the next few days! Shopping online is a HUGE timesaver… and if you order soon, there’s still time for everything to be delivered. Don’t wait until the last minute.

Most of all, remember this: Yes… your business is very important… but so is your life and the people in it.

Take the time you need to recharge, reconnect and celebrate the season!

Hope you’re having an incredible day 🙂

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