
My 5 Top Time-Saving Video Hacks for Reels

I’ve been getting a bunch of questions lately…

about how I’ve been filming my Reels and batching my content

So today I wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned that have saved me the MOST amount of time.

Because real talk: writing, filming, and editing reels takes a LOT of time.

But there are ways to make it a LOT faster.

(And one of those ways is to let us do the research, scripting, and marketing hooks for you)

But even if you are doing it all on your own… it’s worth it.

Why? Because Reels are one of the FASTEST ways to grow and get your message out there right now.

Filming video can suck up a lot of time — I know because I was doing it the WRONG way until I figured out the tricks I’m going to show you below.

Let’s get into it…

1. Set up your shots once. Then film, change outfits, and repeat!

It takes time to find the right angles, lighting, and background… so once you find it, don’t waste it!

For this to work, you’ve got to have your content mapped out ahead of time so you’re not winging it and you have a plan.

Once you’ve set up your camera, film the shot. Change your clothes. Then film the next one, and repeat! This saves SO MUCH TIME.

2. Film one line at a time.

If you’re doing a talking head video (where you’re talking on the video), try filming one line at a time. Pause, and then film the next line. This way, if you mess up, you just have to refilm the line instead of the ENTIRE video.

3. Use a teleprompter.

If you’ve got a script you want to use, don’t try to memorize it. I use this all the time when I’m filming video for sales pages, but they also work great for reels. For my reels I mostly use strategy #2 above, but if you want something that feels more flowy and natural, a teleprompter will help you get the job done. I use scripted.video.

4. Don’t miss great opps.

I was in Asheville last week, and I made sure that I was ready to film a few b-roll if I saw some cool graffiti or a beautiful background. I have a little pocket tripod that I can pop up anywhere. Even if you don’t feel like you look perfect, take the shot ANYWAY. You’ll be glad you did later. You can never have too much b-roll!

5. Create templates for your videos.

Just like with filming, editing can be a time-sink if you’re not strategic. Set aside a dedicated time to batch edit multiple videos at once. I use CapCut and also create templates (for adding text & branding) to speed up the process.

Small tweaks can make a BIG difference in how much time you spend on your content.

Oh, and if you want to swipe my entire BATCHING TEMPLATE and see my entire strategy…

Check out this post for my template (+ follow me on IG so you don’t miss anything)!

Make it an amazing day!


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