
My 5 Tech “Must-Haves” In My Business….

At least 1-2 times a week I get an email from someone saying “my computer crashed” or “I spilled coffee on my computer” and they ask if we can resend their access to programs they’ve purchased in the past.

And you know what? My response is ALWAYS the same.

“Absolutely- I’m more than happy to help! You’ll find your access info below.

On a side note- you should definitely check out Carbonite. It may just be the best $70 you’ll ever spend. It’ll automatically back-up your computer anytime you’re connected to the internet… so you’ll never lose anything important ever again. It has definitely saved me more than once. Hope this helps. :-)”

There’s some really great tech available to help you run your business more effortlessly.

Here are 5 of My Personal “Tech” Favorites:

#1. Carbonite (or any kind of auto-back-up to the cloud) is one of them. This will automatically back-up your computer anytime you’re connected to the internet. Our lives are on our computers… having a back-up can save you a world of headaches.

#2. LastPass: I use this one on a daily basis. It’ll keep your passwords secure so you only have to remember one master password.

I use Last Pass to share passwords with my team and virtual assistants. You have the ability to “hide” the actual password…. so it shows up as a bunch of stars like this “*****” on their screen. This way my password is completely secure. I can also block their access when the project is complete without having to change my password.

And… it’s totally FREE! This by far is one of my favorite things that I use in my business.

#3. UPDRAFT Auto-Backup: What would you do if your website crashes or your site got hacked? Well, it has happened to me, and it SUCKS. Updraft to the rescue.

Make sure you have software that automatically backs up your website on a regular basis. (Especially if you are updating content regularly!). Updraft works great for me because I have WordPress. You may need to use something else if you use another platform.

It automatically backs up my entire site once a week (you can set it for as often as you’d like) and stores it automatically in my Dropbox account. I do have to pay for additional storage in Dropbox. It’s minimal and absolutely worth it!

#4. Zapier. If you haven’t heard of Zapier yet, head over there RIGHT NOW. I use many different platforms to run my business (ex. Clickfunnels, Infusionsoft, Google Drive, Facebook, etc.) None of them talk to each other seamlessly.

This is where Zapier comes in. It’s not perfect, but you can set up millions of different automations to save yourself and your team the manual work. And I’m ALL about saving time and creating leverage, so this is by far one of my favorite tools.

Here’s a really cool example of how you can use Zapier in your business…

When a Lead from Facebook comes in, you can have Zapier automatically send a notification to your phone, while at the same time add it to your lead tracking system to kickoff your follow-up sequence. Pretty neat.

You can get started with their free account, but you’ll probably want to upgrade to their $20/month option once you see all of the amazing things it can do.

#5. ScheduleOnce. I avoid a TON of back and forth with my team, clients, and prospects by using this scheduling platform. There are a bunch of companies that do the same thing (like Calendly, and TimeTrade), and it doesn’t really matter which you use.

If you do a lot of scheduling in your business, you may want to consider checking out one of these platforms to save yourself a ton of time.

Just wanted to share these few resources because they can save you time, energy, and money in your business….. and also spare you a few headaches in the future.

Have an amazing rest of your day!

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