
🦈 Sink or Swim

I was sitting on a plane a couple of days ago and came across this story, and HAD to share it with you…

Because as business owners, curveballs are a part of life.

But this story just goes to show you how sometimes the unexpected can lead to something absolutely INCREDIBLE.

Remember the movie Jaws?

Well, Bruce (the shark) doesn’t show up until 1 hour and 21 minutes into the film.

And that definitely wasn’t intentional.

He was supposed to be the star of the show…

But back in 1975, the crew built the mechanical shark in a FRESHwater tank… not saltwater.

So when they went to film the movie in the ocean?

Bruce’s ocean debut: FAIL.

Electrical systems: FRIED.

They couldn’t afford a delay, so Spielberg had to get creative, fast.

How do you even film a movie without the star of the show? Well, here’s what he said:

“I played a lot of the fear from the people in the water, from seeing their legs kicking, from the point of view of the camera moving along the surface of the water. That’s what turned the movie into more of an exercise in suspense than just a horror film.”

The result?

Suspense skyrocketed and the movie’s fear factor soared.

Ready for the best part?

Spielberg later admitted that if Bruce was able to function the way he WANTED him to, the film would’ve likely made HALF the money.

Jaws broke records, grossing $100 million in 59 days, and surpassed “The Godfather” as the highest-grossing film in history.

Pretty freaking impressive.

The takeaway? Embrace the unexpected. Adapt. Overcome.

That’s what we do as business owners every day. We get in there and we figure it out.

And you never know, the results might end up better than you could have ever imagined.

Make it an amazing day,


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