
My Personal Man-Eating Stage Alligators

Right now I’m studying Price Pritchett.

I read something over the weekend that really stuck out…..

“Your doubts are not the product of accurate thinking, but of habitual thinking.”

This couldn’t be MORE true.

As many of you may know, I used to have a massive fear of public speaking.

There’s nothing logical about this.

It was a pattern….it was the ridiculous, habitual thought pattern that I would allow to run through my head.

I’m not going to die standing up and talking in front of people.

There weCFre no man-eating stage alligators that were after me.

Yet it paralyzed me, caused me to jumble my thoughts, and I’d get inside my own head instead of living in the present moment.

It was simply habitual thinking….and habitual thinking that did NOT serve me in the slightest.

In fact, when I first started my fitness business about 10 years ago, it was the one thing that held me back for the entire first year.

Eventually, little by little, I forced myself to get up in front of groups.

It wasn’t fun. In fact, it straight up sucked. But….guess what?

I didn’t die!

This may sound silly to some of you, but it was how I felt in the beginning when I started teaching my group classes.

And over a relatively short period of time, I began to LOVE getting up in front of my groups and teaching classes.

I taught workshops, seminars, and other events….and it was life-changing.

Because I forced myself to face my fear, I was able to grow my business and create the life I have always wanted for myself and my family.

Now we all have habitual thoughts that are running through our heads.

It’s important that we pay close attention to these thoughts- especially the ones that come up more than once.

No matter how small they may seem….if they confine you and limit your growth or success, you need to be aware of them.

That’s the only way to create a shift.

It’s not easy to change your thoughts…but you know what the book recommends?

“Put those old inhibiting ideas to the test by going for it with everything you’ve got.”


Doing it ANYWAY.

“Doubt is what does the most damage. So don’t give it any mental space. Proceed boldly, as if it’s completely inconceivable that you will experience anything other than a successful quantum leap.”

Just got for it.

P.S. Make sure you check out the book You2 by Price Pritchett- it’s awesome.

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