
My 6-Step Content Batching Method (+ free template)

So I’ve been sharing the behind the scenes on my 90-Day Instagram Reels Challenge…

Haven’t missed a day, 61 days strong!

And today I want to break down the EXACT METHOD that I use to batch my content to post CONSISTENTLY on IG — and still run my entire business and keep up with all the things.

And I’m going to be honest with you…

It’s a lot more work that I originally thought.

But I am getting faster and better at it every day.

Let’s dive into the nitty gritty…

And also find out how you can snag my Notion “batching” template + calendar if you want it!


  • I keep a running “ideas” board on Notion (this is where I map out the topics and ideas I want to share — that all align with my content pillars)
  • Once a week for I do research on viral posts in my niche (to see what’s trending) on the IG explore page (30 mins, 2x per week)
  • I consume content throughout the week with INTENTION & save posts in categories to use as inspo


  • I align my content calendar with my marketing calendar + goals
  • I created a “monthly framework” to keep my hooks, content, and video styles fresh…
  • So, I go through my board and plug in content ideas where it makes the most sense!
  • Now I’ve got my entire plan for the next 30 days

Step 3: MARK THE GOAL FOR EACH POST (don’t miss this part)

  • I go through each post and mark the goal (grow, connect, or promo)
  • This step helps me avoid one of the most COMMON mistakes in content creation…. posting for the sake of posting!


  • I write a week’s worth of posts in ONE block (hook, CTA, keywords, scripts, caption, hashtags)
  • I also note what video shots (if any) I’ll need for the Reel
  • Editing gets done in another block
  • If I don’t stay ahead, I get stressed – so staying ahead is KEY

Step 5: FILM

  • I’m constantly filming b-roll so I have a vault to tap into
  • Since I’ve got my film shots mapped out (step 4), I can bang those out in a lot less time
  • Quick trick is to set up your tripod and film… then change your outfit and film a different piece of content. It’s a lot easier than constantly finding the best camera angels and lighting

Step 6: Edit & Schedule!

  • Home stretch! I edit my videos and schedule them in advance (right through the IG app) so I can stay consistent without the stress of remembering to post

Yes, this all takes time! Yes, this is the long game.

But like I said, I’m getting faster and faster, and you will, too!

And If you want to get your message out there with one of the top-performing strategies right now, you’ll be jumping in on Reels, too.

So two quick things:

1. If you’re still creating allll of your content from scratch and it’s taking too much time… we have done 90% of the planning, research, scripting, and content for you. You can learn more over here.

2. If you want the exact template I use to create all of my Reels to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks (and stay HYPER-ORGANIZED!) — first make sure you follow me on IG, and then comment “BATCH” over on this post.

That’s about it for now! Hope you found this helpful!

Keep up the greatness,


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