
My IG Highlights Makeover

In case you missed the memo…

I hired a mega influencer social coach and am overhauling my Instagram profile…

And I’m learning all of the ins and outs and sharing allll the secrets with you

Currently I’m 49 days strong in my 90-day “daily reels challenge.”

While IG has never been my primary platform (and tbh I haven’t given it much love over the last decade)…

It has become smack-you-in-the-face clear that Reels are outperforming just about everything else when it comes to getting your message in front of new eyeballs.

So it’s GO TIME.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned about content creation (a lot) and am supercharging it with everything I’m learning from my IG coach…

and you get to watch it all come to life… in REAL time.

In fact, if you missed my post yesterday, I did a live “bio audit” where I reviewed the profile of a lucky online coach in our audience…

And broke down the EXACT changes she should make to help her attract her ideal prospects and sign more clients. (you should watch it.)

So far in my journey I’ve:

✅ Updated my bio to attract my ideal clients

✅ Mapped out my entire content strategy

✅ Been consistent with my daily posting schedule (woo!)

✅ Tested different types of Reels to see what’s resonating

✅ Tested various hooks to see what you want more of

Most importantly, I’m choosing to have fun with it

Next up for an overhaul is my “highlights.”

Highlights are the little circles on your profile under your bio…

And here’s a fun trick. If you go to Canva and search “Instagram highlights” you’ll get a bunch of really cool templates.

Anywho… when you do it right, they’ll help you get even more follows and sales.

Don’t use mine as a model right now because they are currently “under construction.”

But in about 1-2 weeks you can

Here’s are the “3 Essentials” highlights I’m rolling out:

About Me: I’m going to get personal and share my journey about how I got started and grew my fitness business, sold it, and started coaching online. Your audience wants to get to know you and to find out more about YOU… so share your journey and how you got here!

Coaching Program: Share what you do, who you help, the problem you solve, your offer, and be VERY clear about the next step they need to take to get started.

Client Wins: this is an absolute must. You want to share testimonials, reviews, before and afters, case studies, etc. You need social proof that you’re amazing at what you do and that your program gets REAL RESULTS. If you don’t have a lot of these right now, that’s ok! You’ll build them over time.

So your homework:

Scan your IG highlights and see if they can use a little TLC.

If they do, jot out some bullet points of the stories you want to add to your highlights…

and then make it happen! (Don’t forget to give yourself a deadline.)

Time to grow,


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