
Shatter The Watermelon Box…

Did you know that if you put a watermelon in a plastic container, it’ll grow to the EXACT shape of the container?  

It’s true.

It made me think about 2016 and the goals I’ve set for myself and for my business.

For me, goal setting is an ongoing process and not something that happens once a year. 

Last year, I read a book called the 12 Week Year which I LOVE and it’s how I’ve structured my entire 2016.  

I definitely recommend it if you’re looking to explode your productivity and gain some shutterstock_watermelonclarity.  

One of my favorite sayings is if you don’t take control and actively lead your life in the direction you want, life will just “happen” to you.

You’ll end up being “reactive” instead of “proactive”.

I really can’t think of anything more important for your life than being able to take yourself in any direction you choose.

Now, you can’t always control everything that comes your way, but you can ALWAYS control how you respond to it and the decisions and choices that you make.

Back to the watermelon….

Too many times we put limitations on ourselves and let our lives become shaped by our own limiting beliefs or by the people around us.

If we’re not intentional about our lives, we put ourselves in a “watermelon box” that someone else designed for us.

When I sit down for a coaching session with someone, I almost always have to peel back that “first layer” or two of thick, sludgy, junk that gets in the way of creating the TRUE path we want to be on.

Those layers are the “watermelon box” that limit what’s possible for you and shift the direction of your life.

No one wants to be a square watermelon.

You were created to be much, much more than that.

2016 is a BRAND new year.  

Think BIG, think OUTSIDE THE BOX, and don’t let anything hold you back.


Shatter the Watermelon Box,


P.S.  If you like the message of the “Watermelon Box”…. put your own personal spin on it.  It’ll make for a great email or blog post for your clients and prospects.

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