
Grow Your Email List Without Spending A Dime

When you think of growing your email list, what comes to mind?

A fancy lead gen funnel? Expensive ads? Working with an agency?

Sure, putting some money behind a lead generation funnel can grow your email list quickly…

But what if you need to grow your list affordably?

If that’s you, don’t worry — because you CAN grow your email list without ever taking out your credit card.

I’ve done it, we’ve taught our Content Club members how to do it, and I’ll give you a little taste of how it’s done right here.


Here are 5 ZERO-cost strategies to grow your email list:

Growth Strategy #1: Leverage Instagram & Facebook stories.

This one’s easy! Let’s say you want people to grab your Fast & Easy Meal Prep eBook in exchange for their email address…

You’d get on your stories to talk about some of your favorite meal prep ideas, then you’d mention that if people want MORE meal prep ideas, they can grab your eBook for free.

Point them toward the link in your bio, link your opt-in page right on your story, or ask them to DM you for the link!

Growth Strategy #2: Keep your opt-in link in your bio.

Obvious, right? The best way to do this is by highlighting the main benefit of your lead magnet or newsletter and then pointing them to the link.

For example: “Want my 10 easiest low-carb recipes for postpartum weight loss? Grab my free guide below! 👇”

Then, any relevant post or story you share can then reference that link.

Growth Strategy #3: Speak or guest coach in a similar (but non-competing) community.

If you don’t have a big audience yet, you can borrow someone else’s!

Some examples of this might be a personal trainer guest speaking on a Facebook live with a nutritionist, or a women’s hormone specialist offering one free guest-coaching session in a women’s fitness program.

At the end of your session or talk, just direct people to your opt-in page for people to grab a helpful resource in exchange for their email address.

Growth Strategy #4: Keep a “pinned post” that links or points to your opt-in on your Facebook Business page or Instagram account.

This one works just like it sounds!

A “pinned” post is the first post people see when they hit your account, so if your goal is to grow your list, make it a post that showcases one of the key takeaways of your lead magnet or just simply invites people to join your community.

Simple as that.

Growth Strategy #5: Ask for an email address when people join your private Facebook Group.

When you set up your Facebook group, you have the ability to ask questions before people get approved to join.

So, create a question that asks for their email address and let them know what they’ll get in exchange.

For example, “Enter your email address to get new weekly recipes, workout tips, and freebies!”

And there you have it…

FIVE ways to grow your list, ZERO dollars necessary.

That means if you’ve been putting off list-building because you’re worried you need a big budget for ads, take this as your sign to get started!

Make it an amazing day,


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