
Perfect Content ≠ Perfect Results

I’m about 5 days away from finishing my 90-day Instagram Challenge…

And so far, I haven’t missed a day

I’ve had a bunch of things I did right, a bunch I did wrong…

And next week I’ll be sharing all the lessons and takeaways with you.

But before we get into all of that, there’s something that has really been bothering me.

I met someone yesterday who had OVER 50 reels saved as drafts in their IG folder…

But she didn’t think they were “perfect” or “ready” to publish (even though most of them were amazing).

When you believe you have to have the perfect plan or that your post has to be AMAZING before you hit publish:

1. You’ll probably overthink it and end up wasting SO much time, or
2. If you do publish, even the smallest mistakes can feel like a giant fail, or
3. You might not even post it at all (like this gal I met!)

Perfect NEVER wins.

Instead, ask yourself…

What small, consistent actions can I take, even if they’re not perfect?

How can I adapt my content strategy to be more flexible and sustainable over time?

What steps can I take to show up, even on the busiest days?

You can’t help anyone change their life if no one knows you exist.

Just focus on consistently showing up, adding value, and taking IMPERFECT action.

Let’s be imperfct today,


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