
3 Ninja Strategies Using Facebook Retargeting For Fit Pro’s

The things we can do with Facebook these days are insane. 

The data that Facebook collects can help business owners get laser-targeted traffic… if you know how to set it up the right way. 

Enter Facebook Retargeting.  (if you don’t know what retargeting is, or you need to set it up on your website, click here to WATCH THIS first.)

Once you’ve set up Retargeting Pixels on your website, the opportunities are endless.shutterstock_target

Here are 5 Strategies Fit Pro’s can use to maximize your marketing budget & increase conversions:

1.  Transformation Challenges or Front End Offer Retargeting

Here are the 2 funnels I typically use with Facebook:  

Facebook Ad –> Squeeze Page –> Application –> Thank You Page 

Facebook Ad –> Squeeze Page –> Application –> Payment Page –> Thank You Page

You can install a retargeting pixel on EACH page in your funnel.  

This is gold because you can create a retargeting campaign in Facebook that sends to people who have visited your application or Payment Page, but did NOT make it to the thank you page.  

(simply exclude the Thank You Page audience when you’re running your ads) 

This way, you’re advertising to people who are obviously interested in your program, but did not take that final step.

2.  Service-Specific Retargeting

If you have a boot camp page, small group page, personal training page, etc. on your website… set up a retargeting pixel on each page. 

This way, you can market specific offers to people who have visited those pages.  

For example, if someone lands on your Personal Training page, you can create a retargeting ad that invites those people to come in for a free success session…. or to download a free report you create about fat-loss…or a PDF about 5 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Personal Trainer, etc.

Make the landing page extremely relevant to the page they visited- and you’ll have a lot higher conversions. 

3.  Content Retargeting

If you create a piece of content on your website, you can retarget and send them to:

  • more relevant content (building goodwill)
  • invite them to come back and download a free recipe manual or guide that relates to that original piece of content. (collecting their email address so you can provide value and market to them)
  • send them to a relevant low-barrier offer

Common Mistakes:

a.  Don’t just send people back to the same page they came from (unless you want to invite them to complete their checkout) 

If you didn’t convert them the first time, you’re probably not going to the second time. 

Change up the landing page a little to create a sense of urgency or scarcity or personalize it with a special offer just for them!

b.  Give people a REASON to enter in their information and to take that next step.  Provide value every step of the way. 

c.  Videos help a lot with conversions, so keep that in mind when creating a landing page!

d.  Remember to use “Locations” to narrow down your audience.  

If someone randomly ends up on your page that lives across the country, you don’t want to waste your budget on them.  Make sure you narrow it down do your area of service.  


I keep it small and typically budget $2-$3 per day on regular retargeting campaigns unless I’m doing a big push. 

Give it a Go!

Start with ONE retargeting campaign and test it out. 

Don’t try to set up 10 different campaigns at once.  

Draft out your funnel on paper before you hit the computer.  This will save a lot of time and random surfing on Facebook!

Hope you got a few great ideas for retargeting on Facebook and that you will give one or all of them a try.

I love your feedback and comments, so leave me one below if you liked this post and want more like it! 

Alicia 🙂 

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