“The Little Black Dress Project is on a MISSION to help women to become
more self-confident, lose weight, and celebrate being a strong and sexy woman.”
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YOU are ALREADY Amazing.
But sometimes…it takes a little sweat, support, and a LOT of fun to make you FEEL that way!
Women are always performing amazing balancing acts between work, family, and trying to have some semblance of a social life.
Rarely do we make the time to put ourselves first. That’s exactly WHY I created The Little Black Dress Project…
“The Little Black Dress Project is a step-by-step 42-Day transformation program for women that includes a clean meal plan, personalized supplementation, fat-burning & body sculpting workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel FABULOUS, look AMAZING, & have the Confidence to ROCK that Little Black Dress.“
Best of all, we made easy to follow so it fits right into your busy lifestyle.
And we’re ALL going out for a not-to-be forgotten Ladies Night Out at the end to celebrate our journey & rock our little black dresses…TOGETHER!
What’s The Little Black Dress Project All About!?
The Little Black Dress Meal Plan:
6-weeks of a clean, whole foods meal plan that is designed to detoxify a woman’s body and turn it into a sexy, fat-burning machine that we can be PROUD of. You will rid your body of sugar cravings, rev up your metabolism, and this plan will give you the ENERGY to take on the world.
◊ Our Signature LBD Recipe Book (simple & fast recipe deliciousness)
◊ 6-weeks of Done-for-You Weekly Meal Plans
◊ Weekly Print-and-Go Grocery Lists to make your life easy
◊ Complete Food Exchange List so you can swap for some of your favorite foods
Our Signature LBD Workouts:
Our Little Black Dress workouts are designed to help you look AMAZING in that little black dress!
The workouts are focused on tightening and toning where it counts, and eliminating that stubborn body fat that tends to take up residence in our thighs, butt, triceps, and stomach.
◊ Unlimited Access to all of our Boot Camp Classes at any location
◊ Maximize your Fat-burning potential!
◊ Signature LBD Body-Sculpting home workout every week
Our Little Black Dress Daily Dose….
…is our daily LBD email you will get that is filled with inspiration, motivation, and tips & tricks to help you to stay on track with the program. PRICELESS!
Accountability & Support:
We CARE about you getting the results that you want and we will go that extra mile to make SURE you stay on track with the program.
How many times have you tried to “diet” or “eat healthier” and somehow still ended up with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Fro-Yo in front of the The Bachelorette? It’s happened to the best of us.
We will do everything possible within our power to make sure you stay on track with the program….even if we need to come to your house and lock up the Ben & Jerry’s 🙂
We’ve also created a “secret” Facebook Group for all of our LBD members, where you’ll be able to talk to other women working towards the same goals and dealing with similar struggles.
Before & After Measurements and Weekly Weigh-Ins:
This is your checks and balances system.
Not only will we get before and after pics and measurements, but we will be doing weekly weigh-ins to make sure you’re getting RESULTS.
And the best part is…Girls Night OUT as VIP’s!!
At the end of your 4-week commitment to The Little Black Dress Project to your diet, your health & fitness, and most importantly, to yourself….
We are going to have a Girls Night Our to celebrate our HUGE accomplishments and ROCK OUR LITTLE BLACK DRESSES!
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Exclusive “Flawless Make-Up Workshop” with Runway Artist Tracie Cervero
Nutrition & Lifestyle LBD Workshop
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PLATINUM: “Accelerated Results”
GET Personalized LBD Supplementation
Watch this Video NOW….
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◊ Personalized vitamin and supplements based on YOUR needs, goals, and body. (30-day supply)
◊ Chocolate or Vanilla Meal Replacement Shake (30-day supply)
◊ Triphasic Sleep Strips (all-natural, non-habit forming…I love these!)
◊ Appetite Chews to help you curb the mid-day munchies
◊ of course….all supplements are organic/all-natural, hormone-free, non-gmo, soy-free, gluten-free, lactose-free, & casein-free and taste GREAT!!
Are you Ready to Accept the Challenge??
The LBD Project begins Monday October 19th, 2015
Challenge Begins In:
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1. What Boot Camp Times and Locations am I able to attend? You are able to attend ANY of the class times at ANY of our 3 locations. Near the bottom of the page HERE, you will find our current boot camp schedule.
2. How will I be getting the material for The Little Black Dress Project? Once you sign up for the program you will receive an email with all of the details on how to get started and what you need to bring. Everything is formatted in an e-book so you are able to access the content anywhere and print out materials that you want to take with you (like the weekly grocery lists.)
3. Is this program suitable for vegetarians? Sorry! This program is not suitable for vegetarians.
4. Is this program diabetic safe? YES! This program has been approved by a dietician and has been approved by a doctor and is safe for diabetics. HOWEVER, we always require you to check with your own doctor before starting any new meal plan.
5. If you have any other questions, simply fill out the Contact Form HERE 🙂